
Mahlkonig/迈赫迪k30 Vario air比赛磨豆机德国原装进口磨豆机

Mahlkonig/迈赫迪k30 Vario air比赛磨豆机德国原装进口磨豆机


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“In times where most users visit a website with a mobile device, we had a clear focus on responsive design, intuitive usability and fast loading times.” explains Anne Krahmer, Marketing Director at the Hemro Group, house of the coffee grinder brands Mahlkönig, Ditting, Anfim and HeyCafé. “Our highest priority though, was to provide our customers an even more convenient way to access product information. One solution was the implementation of a new product filter, that will help customers to find the perfectly matching grinder for their individual set of requirements.”
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Mahlkönig’s new website and YouTube channel
With the website being the backbone of a brand’s online presence, German coffee grinder manufacturer Mahlkönig is taking bold steps to set new digital benchmarks. As of April 2020 the brand welcomes coffee professionals from around the globe to visit its re-designed website at mahlkoenig.de.

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Mahlkonig/迈赫迪k30 Vario air比赛磨豆机德国原装进口磨豆机



